Thursday, August 13, 2009

One Month Update!!!

Hey everyone, today it has officially been 4 weeks since Noah began his lengthy recovery period. We have had a few requests to write a post specifically to update you all on Noah's progress, and we figured today would be the perfect occasion. While this day reminds us of how scary the accident was for the family, we are indeed grateful for Noah's miraculous recovery thus far. Before Noah came home he had to be weened off of I.V. pain meds, and begin to take oral medication instead. Since coming home the man who caused the accident was apprehended, and family and friends have rallied to raise money on Noah's behalf. Noah has a hard time when he has to be moved around or transported to doctor appointments (in an ambulance of course), but he has decided to stop taking the prescription pain meds. Noah is really toughing it out now, and simply takes tylenol now and then since the prescriptions had him all groggy, and the side effects were unpleasant. Noah can't help but reiterate that he wishes very badly that he could attend the fundraisers in person, and he has a goal to be back to school on the first day and plans to attend the big pasta dinner event on September 25th. At this point we are just keeping Noah company while he lifts our spirits with his positivity. Noah is watching lots of DVDs (thanks to Vai Sikahema and his family) and TV, and he loves visitors too. One month since the tragic accident we are, as a family and community of friends, realizing again and again that this very well could be one of the greatest learning processes we could be blessed to endure. Greatness is born out of affliction, and we are surrounded by greatness. Noah thanks you with his whole being, and we (his family) do too. :);):D;>

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

I scream, You scream, We all scream for Coldstone icecream!

Thanks to all of those who have participated in tonight's Coldstone fundraiser. We feel very touched to have such wonderful friends who come to support Noah over and over again. It was exciting to see the constant coming and going and at times the overflowing of people!! We had so much fun getting to mingle with "Noah's Fan Club" as it has recently been called. We hope to see you at the next fundraiser! :D

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Thanks to Rita's & Wendy's

We would just like to thank all of our family and friends, and anybody else who came out to support Noah's Rita's and Wendy's events. So much generosity has been poured out on Noah's behalf, and he just can't believe so many wonderful people exist and are making sure he is able to go back to school (etc.). We are just getting warmed up, and there are many more great events coming up. Please tell your friends, come on down, and enjoy a night out with the family at upcoming fundraisers! :)