Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Noah Emoticon!!!

Christine Palmer has hand drawn this custom Noah emoticon by still frame (on right side under donation info), and we just want to thank her. Noah loves it, and his family thinks it's awesome! *The idea behind the emoticon is that you can leave a donation, and then copy the Noah emoticon for yourself. For those of you who have been to some/all of the fundraisers you know that by dropping money in the donation jar you get a Noah pin or button--the emoticon is the same concept, only in digital form. Thanks Christine! You are very creative and generous.

*If you have donated in the past or contributed somehow we thank you, and if you want the emoticon for your blog (or anything else), go for it! ;)


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. hi this is christine....sorry, the problem is with the code i gave you, i';ll send something new in a little while......
